Verified tasks will be automatically archived (and disappear from the plan) after 7 days. If your tasks are building up and you'd like to archive them more frequently, you can change the timeframe to 1 or 3 days within your project settings. Alternatively, you can change this to 30, 90, 365 or 3650 days if you'd like to view archived tasks for a longer period.
How to select an archive timeframe
Project Admins can access the Settings tab on the web version of Fieldwire. Go to the Project Settings and scroll to 'Archive tasks', then select the appropriate amount of days for your project. If you are working on a fast-paced small remodel, you might want your verified tasks to archive automatically. If you are working on a large project with multiple trades, you might want your verified tasks to remain on your task dashboard for a few weeks to give a good overview on the progress of the project:
If the project uses Custom Task Statuses
If the project is covered under a Pro or Business Subscription, Project Admins will have access to the 'Manage Status' modal from the Kanban board or Settings tab. A task status that has the ‘Verified’ 'Type' will archive after the determined period of time:
Project Admins can both determine which statuses have the ‘Verified’ type, and the amount of time before the Verified tasks ‘archive’ from the settings option within the project.