How do the "at" (@) and "hashtag" (#) signs work in Tasks?
Fieldwire has a couple of quick-assign features to help you enter your information quickly and efficiently in your Tasks. Leverage these shortcuts to quickly and easily assign tasks, categories, assignees, watchers, and tags.
"@" Sign
Use the @ sign in task comment to quickly assign a category to the task. For example, if you have a category titled ‘HVAC’, you can type ‘@HVAC’ into the task comment. Once you post the comment, the task will automatically adopt the ‘HVAC’ status. Read More about setting up Project Categories in this article: How to Create a Category.
Note: When you create a new task from within a filtered view for one category, the same category will automatically be pre-selected for the newly created task. However, the category can still be changed.
If you create a new task from the view "My tasks", "Watched" or "All tasks", then no category is initially selected.
Assignees and Watchers
You can also leverage the @ sign in a task comment to assign someone to a task and to add task watchers. When you tag multiple users with the @symbol, the first user will be the assignee, and each contingent user will be a watcher on the task. If you tag a user using the @ symbol in a new task comment, that individual will become the new assignee.
For example, if Kevin and David should the assignee and watcher, respectively, tag the task comment should be “@Kevin @David”. Both will then receive notifications when the task is updated.
Note: These suggested individuals that populate in the drop-down menu are the individuals that you have invited to your project. Read more about inviting users to your project in this Help Article: How do I invite or remove users from my project(s) and will I be charged for them?
If the Project Uses Custom Task Statuses:
If the project is covered under the Pro, Business, or Business Plus Subscription, and uses Custom Task Statuses, you can set and change the status of the task by typing the @ symbol followed by the name of the status. For example, let's say there are three statuses on a project-- "Pre-Punch", "Scheduled", and "Completed". If you want to set a task status to ‘Pre-Punch’, you can type ‘@Pre-Punch’. When you post the message, the task will adopt that status.
To change the status, type the name of another Status in the message box, after the task status has been initially set. So to move the ‘Pre-Punch’ task to ‘Scheduled’, type ‘@Scheduled’.
Note: Each Status can also be associated with a project permission set, so these may not be available to some users, given their project permissions.
The Project does not use Custom Task Statuses:
If the project is on the Basic plan, or does not use Custom task Status, you can type "@P1",
"@P2", "@P3" in the task comments to designate the priority of the task. You can then type "@Completed" and "@Verified" to update the status.
# sign
Hashtags (#) help you add further structure to your project. If you include a hashtag within a task, such as writing a comment that reads "This is related to #RFI_41," it will generate a new hashtag that you can then use as a filtering tool. So you could then write "#RFI_41" into another task in order to associate the two together:
More information
- Introduction to Tasks
- How do I edit multiple Tasks at once?
- How do I recreate deleted tasks after they have been deleted for more than 30 days?
Video Tutorial on Creating & Managing Tasks