Overview & background
The Calendar View allows you to view Tasks with Start and End dates on a Calendar from the Web Version of Fieldwire. You can re-schedule the tasks, add new Start and End dates to your tasks from the Calendar, and 'Shift Dates' forward and backward by a certain number of days.
Table of Content
How to access the Calendar view
Adjust the Start and End Dates of a Task in the Calendar View
How to add Start / End Dates to tasks
How to access the Calendar view
You can access the Task Calendar from the Web version of Fieldwire (app.fieldwire.com). To access the Calendar view, you must first switch to it from the Kanban board. From the 'Tasks' tab, click on the blue calendar button in the top right corner of the Tasks page:
Once you are on the Calendar view, you can isolate tasks by 'Day', 'Week', or 'Month' displays. You can select one of these options in the top-right corner. The 'Month' display is automatically selected when first switching to the Calendar view.
Tip: Like on the Kanban view, you can 'Filter' tasks by more discrete attributes like the Status, Category, Assignee, Task Creator, etc. Select the 'Filter tasks' option, and then choose one or more attributes to Filter by:
Start and End Dates in Tasks
If your tasks have 'Start' and 'End' Dates, they will appear on the Task Calendar. The task duration is represented by the length of the Task tile across the Calendar dates:
Adjust the Start and End Dates of a Task in the Calendar View
To adjust the Start date of a Task, drag-and-drop the task itself to a new date, prior to the original Start date:
To adjust the End date of a specific Task in Calendar View, hover your cursor over the right-hand edge of the Task (the date it is currently set to be completed). The cursor will turn into a right-pointing arrow. Click and drag the Task to the date that you wish the new End date to be.
How to add Start / End Dates to tasks
If you created a task with no start/end dates, it will appear on the right side, under the "Tasks" sidebar. To provide a Start and End Date, simply drag the task onto the Calendar and extend its length of time. The Start and End dates will automatically update in the Task Attributes:
Note: The 'Working Days', denominated under the 'Settings' tab, will be reflected on the Calendar.
Shift dates
Project Admins and Members can choose to 'Shift Dates' from the 'Actions' menu when multiple Tasks are selected. This allows you to move the Start and End dates forward or backward a certain number of days, as opposed to adjusting the Start and End dates for several Tasks individually.
Select multiple Tasks, then choose 'Actions' and 'Shift dates':
Next, enter a number, and whether you'd like to shift the Start and End dates 'forward' or 'backward' by that number:
Depending on what you have chosen, the ‘Start date’ and ‘End date' of the Tasks are pushed back/forward by the same number of days. The task duration remains the same, for example, a task with the Start Date of 1/1/21 and End Date of 1/5/21, that is pushed forward 5 days, will have the Start date of 1/5/21 and End date of 1/10/21.
How to Export Calendar View
As a Project Manager, it is essential to produce a look ahead of your schedule to distribute to others. As a foreman, you need to keep your crew informed of upcoming due tasks. For this purpose, you can export your Calendar view as a PDF.
Navigate to the Calendar View:
Click on the Download Button:
More information
Take a look at these articles for additional ways to track your tasks: