The Plan View is where the magic happens. When you click on a specific plan, it is enlarged and a number of important options relating to tasks, markups, and hyperlinks become available to you.
Table of Contents
- Markup Toolbar
- Category and Task Filters
- Rename plan/description
- Version Control
- View Tasks
- Filter tasks button
- Eyeball Icon
- Plan Text Search
- Open Recently Viewed Plans
- Actions tab
- Right-clicking on the Plan, Tasks, and Markups
Markup toolbar
The markup toolbar is a black vertical bar on the left side of the Plan view.
All the markup tools are listed below in descending order from top to bottom.
Definitions of the markup tools
1. Expand to full screen | View a full-screen plan. |
2. Zoom in/Zoom out | To view the plan from up close and/or from further out. |
3. Marker Pin (Add a new task) |
To create a new task, first, click on this pin icon and then click on the area of the map you wish to drop that new task. The task editing screen will then appear. |
4. Chain (Create a hyperlink) |
Click this chain icon and then click the area of the plan that you want to place the link. You can link to other sheets, attachments, forms, and add progress photos using this function. |
5. Pencil (Draw on the plan) |
Clicking this pencil icon will let you draw lines, arrows, and general markups on the plan. Once clicked, you can select between a regular line or several translucent highlighter options. There is also a multi-point line. Holding the Shift key will snap straight lines and arrows at precise degree angles as you draw them (Note: the Shift to create straight lines is only available for the pencil and not highlighter markups). |
6. Shapes (Outline an area) |
Clicking this will allow you to use shapes to surround an area you wish to draw attention to. It can be a defined shape (like a circle or triangle), or you can create your own polygon. You can also use the cloud shape around whatever you want by dragging your cursor across the screen to the appropriate size (similar to the text box function). |
7. Markup Symbol Tool |
Click on this icon to choose from a wide selection of markup symbols. These symbols are broken down into various categories. Once you've located the symbol you'd like to use, click to select it and keep clicking anywhere on the plan to continue adding the symbol. |
8. "a" (TextBox) |
Click on this icon to add a text box. You will be able to click and drag to create a text box of whatever size you choose. Once you finish that, the option to add your comment or description inside of the box will appear. You can also select the size of the font. |
9. Ruler (Measurement tools) |
Click on this icon to open up the measurement tools. You can calibrate distance, record new length measurements, and scale an area. Holding the Shift key will snap measurement lines at precise degree angles as you draw them. In addition, you can create a multi-line measurement, which allows you to measure paths, perimeters, or other continuous multi-point lines. |
10. Color (Red Circle) |
Clicking this icon will allow you to choose from several colors. This affects the color of the pen, highlighter, arrow, text, and cloud tools. You can create private markups by changing this color to purple. |
11. Selection Tool (Mouse Cursor Icon) | Clicking this icon will allow you to move any markups you’ve made with the previous tools around on the plan. Once you click it, you'll need to select the markup you want to move/edit. In addition, you can click + drag your mouse cursor on the plan or hold the Shift key + Click to select multiple markups and batch edit them! |
12. Undo (Reverse Arrow) |
Clicking this will immediately delete the last markup you made on the plan during the current session. |
Note: Photos attached directly to plans, forms, and RFIs can now be marked up.
Attaching Plans / Specifications / Photos / Files / Forms / RFIs / Submittals onto a Plan Sheet
By clicking on the "Chain" icon in the Markup toolbar, you'll have the ability to link a variety of documents to your plan sheets.
The first option allows you to add a link to another plan sheet:
By selecting this option, you'll be able to link areas of your plan directly with other plans you have already uploaded to Fieldwire.
The second option allows you to add a link to a specification on your project in the Specifications tab:
The third option, the camera icon, allows you to attach a photo to the plan sheet:
The photo can either be from the Photos tab, or from your computer. You can also choose 360 Photos!
The fourth option, the paperclip icon, allows you to attach files to your plan sheets:
You can attach both existing files from the Files tab, or new files from your computer.
Note: You are able to search for existing files in Fieldwire, both PDFs and CSVs. However, when you select and then click on the file, you can only open the PDFs. The CSVs will download to your computer.
The fifth option, the clipboard icon, allows you to attach Forms to your plan sheets if you are a Business Plan user.
You can attach both existing forms, or you can choose to create a new form from an existing form template.
The sixth option, shown in the screenshot below, allows you to attach an RFI to your plan sheets. In order to get this feature onto your instance of Fieldwire, you can either upgrade to Business Plus, or you can schedule a demo with our sales team.
Using this option, you can attach an existing RFI, or you can create a draft of a new RFI.
The seventh option, shown in the screenshot below, allows you to attach a Submittal to your plan sheets. In order to get this feature onto your instance of Fieldwire, you can either upgrade to Business Plus, or you can schedule a demo with our sales team.
Using this option, you can attach an existing Submittal, or you can create a draft of a new Submittal.
Markup Symbols
Fieldwire now gives users the option to add markup symbols to their Plans!
This new feature is available to all users, and the markup symbols are separated into these categories: Audiovisual, Electrical, Fire Suppression, Geometric Symbols, and Security. There is also a "Recently used" option so you can quickly access the symbols you used most recently. To use the markup symbols, simply choose which category you'd like, pick a symbol, and click on the plan sheet. Keep clicking anywhere on the plan to continue adding the symbol!
Note: For information about Markup Symbols on mobile, please check out our article here!
Along with placing markup symbols on plan sheets, you are now able to resize them! The way to do so is by simply placing the markup symbol on the plan sheet, selecting the Move tool (crossed arrows), and then dragging a corner of the markup symbol to your desired size.
A few more items to note regarding Markup Symbols:
- At this time, you cannot create custom symbols. We added the Geometric Shapes category so that you can add these shapes as placeholders/generic symbols. We have started with a small library of symbols, and we are open to requests to add more! If you'd like to see more symbols added, please send an email to support@fieldwire.com with an example of the symbol. We look forward to hearing what other symbols should exist in Fieldwire!
Markup symbols are only on plans, not photos.
Batch Editing Markups & the Selection Tool
When previously using Fieldwire, you needed to move and edit your markups one at a time. Now, you can use the Selection Tool to move and select multiple markups to batch edit them.
First, you'll need to click on the Selection tool, which is the mouse cursor icon in the Markup Toolbar.
If you want to edit multiple markups at once, you'll need to click + drag your mouse cursor on the plan in order to do so. Once you have selected the markups you want to edit, simply right-click inside of the highlight box as shown in the short video below and you'll see the options to either edit the number of markups you've selected or delete those markups. In the example below, we are batch editing the color of multiple markups.
In addition, if you want to want to edit multiple markups, but you don't want to edit all of the markups in a certain section on your plan sheet, you can hold the Shift key + Click.
The Selection Tool also allows you to select and move multiple markups at once. Notice that the automatic plan hyperlinks are not affected by this, but the hyperlinks that you add including photo, form, file, etc. hyperlinks, will move.
In addition to moving, resizing, and editing other aspects of multiple markups at once, you can now batch delete markups. As indicated above, to select multiple markups at once, click + drag your mouse cursor on the plan. Or, if you want to want to edit multiple markups, but you don't want to edit all of the markups in a certain section on your plan sheet, you can hold the Shift key + Click on the markups you want to delete. Once you have selected the markups you want to delete, simply right-click inside of the highlight box as shown in the short video below and you'll see how many markups you have selected as well as the option to "Delete". After clicking "Delete", you'll be prompted one more time to confirm that you'd like to delete those markups.
Note: If you delete markups by accident, you can click the "Undo" button or use CTRL + Z (on Windows) or Command + Z (on Mac) to recover those deleted markups. However, you must do this immediately after deleting the markups, otherwise they can't be recovered or restored.
Category and Task Filters
You can click on My Tasks/All Tasks/Tasks by Category and this will allow you to select categories and tasks to view on the plan. These are useful when you want to only see specific content and remove the rest from the plan.
Rename plan/description
You can rename the plan or edit the description by clicking on the title.
Version Control
If you click the 'Version Control button while on a specific sheet, you will see all individual plan notes and you will be able to edit the Notes and version Description. You can also re-order versions to determine which version will display first and be the active version of the plan.
You can also view and edit the Version Description, for several plans at once. This article gives more information about that: What is Version Control for Plans?
View older versions
Each version of the plan that you uploaded is labeled with the date it was uploaded (you can edit the description under Version Control). Tasks, hyperlinks, and markups will migrate between versions.
View tasks
The tasks associated with the sheet are listed on the right side of the page. You can edit the tasks within each pin, or from the column on the right side of the screen. Just click on the pin or task to open and interact with them.
If you try to delete a task that's associated with a plan sheet, you will receive a warning message as is shown in the screenshot below. This warning message asks you to confirm that you'd like to delete the task as once the task is deleted, it will be deleted for everyone on the project. If you delete a task by accident, it can be recovered within 30 days from the trash tab by a project Admin. Refer to this article for more information: What is the Trash Tab?.
Filter tasks button
You can filter the tasks on the plan by several different attributes:
Tip: Review the Nested Locations article for more details about how to leverage locations: Introduction to Nested Locations
Eyeball Icon
The eyeball icon in the top right corner allows you to temporarily hide any markups and tasks on the plan. When you click on it, you will be able to select which plan layers (tasks, markups, attachments, links, or photos) you wish to hide, or you can choose to hide all layers. You can bring them all back by clicking them again.
Plan Text Search
With Plan Text Search (PTS), you'll be able to more easily locate the text on your plan sheets in Fieldwire. PTS is available on all subscription tiers, and all users are able to utilize this feature on plan sheets.
If you'd like to see exactly where any string of text appears on a single plan, you can do so directly from the Plan itself by leveraging the Plan text search bar. Open any individual plan from the 'Plans' tab of your Project to search for a string of text on the plan. Click the magnifying glass icon, and enter the text you would like to search for. You can even use a keyboard shortcut to open the plan text search bar. The keyboard shortcut is pressing the 'f' key! For more information about Plan Text Search, check out this article: Introduction to Plan Text Search.
Open Recently Viewed Plans
The clock button highlighted in the screenshot above allows you to see the last 10 plan sheets that you viewed in Fieldwire. This can be useful if you need to jump between plan sheets that are not sequential in their naming.
Actions tab
The 'Actions' tab allows you to edit different properties of the plan, including its number and description, scale for measurements, and any tags you might leverage for document organization. Projects covered under a Pro, Business, or Business Plus subscription also have the options to export the plan as a PDF or compare it to other sheets as well as export markup summaries.
Action tab options
1. Edit number/description |
You can edit the name of the plan and description. |
2. Rotate sheet | 90 degrees to the left, 180 degrees or 90 degrees to the right. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. Manage tags |
You can add and remove Plan Tags |
4. Set scale |
You can manually input the scale and override any other data associated with the plan. If you select multiple plans, you can bulk edit the scale for all of the selected plans. |
5. Compare |
Compare versions of the same plans or two different plans. For more information about comparing plan sheets, check out this article: How to Compare Plans |
6. Export as PDF |
Premium customers only can export a PDF with the markups. Note: To export a plan with the Tasks, you need to generate a report and select 'Plans'. Note: The table below shows you which hyperlinks are on a plan export and which ones are not -
7. Export markup summary |
Customers on Pro, Business, and above can export a CSV, which will contain a summary of all of the markups on that plan sheet. Note: To export a CSV with a summary of the markups from multiple plan sheets, access the 'Actions' dropdown from the Plans tab on the thumbnail or list views. |
8. Delete |
Admins can delete plans by clicking the red delete button. You are then asked to confirm the deletion to proceed. Note: All markups associated with the sheet will also be deleted if you choose to delete the plan from the project. Any tasks associated with the sheet will become square tasks which you can see on your main Task dashboard.
Right-clicking on the Plan, Tasks, and Markups
You can see below that it is possible to right-click on the plan, on any tasks, and on certain markups on the plan to view a menu of action options.
Right-clicking on the plan
When you right-click anywhere on the plan other than on Tasks or Markups, you can view a menu of options including 'Edit sheet details', 'Select all', 'Keyboard shortcuts', 'New Task', 'Manage tags', 'Compare sheets' and 'Export sheet'.
Note: The 'Select all' button will automatically select all of the markups on the plan sheet.
Right-clicking on a Task
When you right-click on a Task, you can view a menu of options including 'Complete', 'Verify', 'Duplicate', Manage tags', 'Add checklist', Move off plan', or 'Delete'.
Right-clicking on Markups
When you right-click on certain markups, including Highlighter, Line, and Shape markups, you will see a menu of options. Those options include: 'Edit markup details', 'Duplicate', 'Move/Resize', and 'Delete'.
Shape Fill
Fieldwire allows users to fill in their shape markups. By right-clicking on shape markups, users will now see the option to "Enable to fill in the markup". To enable the shape fill, users simply need to click the checkbox. After clicking the checkbox, the shape will be a solid color, but users can make it more transparent by changing the Opacity percentage. The lower the percentage, the more transparent (less opaque) the shape will be.
Copying and Pasting Tasks and Markups
Fieldwire now allows you to copy/paste your tasks and markups across different plan sheets on a project! With this update, you will also be able to copy/paste a selection of multiple markups and tasks at once across plans on the same project. Markups can even be copied across different projects! This can be helpful for you if you have similar markups on multiple plans, or if you are working with multiple rooms/floors that may need the same markups.
Note: Tasks and all hyperlink markups cannot be copied across different projects because they refer to other objects within the project that might not exist in a different project.
Note: This functionality is on Web only.
Copying and pasting Tasks and Markups is a relatively simple process, and there are a couple of different ways to do so. The first option is to right click on the markup or task you want to copy and select "Copy". Then, go to the new plan sheet, right-click on the new plan sheet, and select "Paste". Another way to do this is to use the selection tool (arrow icon) and select the markup or task you want to copy. Then, you can use the common keyboard shortcut ctrl+C (cmd+C on Mac) to copy the markup or task, navigate to the new plan sheet, and the use ctrl+V (cmd+V on Mac) to paste the markup or task on the new plan sheet.
As mentioned above, you can also copy and paste multiple tasks and markups to a new plan sheet as shown in the short video below. To do so, you can use the same right-click method or keyboard shortcut method as described above.
More information
- How to use the Plans Tab and Upload Plans to My Fieldwire Projects on the Web?
- Plan View and Markup Tools (Mobile)
Video Tutorial on Plan Markups on Mobile
Video Tutorial on Uploading Plans
Video Tutorial on Files and Hyperlinks