If your account is blocked, it is because the account limits were exceeded with the Basic version of Fieldwire. As a reminder, those who have Basic Fieldwire subscriptions are restricted to:
- 3 total projects
- 5 unique users
- 100 total plan sheets
When logged into your account, it will be indicated in red that your account is over the limit under "Basic Plan" in the upper right corner by your name. The item that is over the limit will be in red:
You can either upgrade to a premium account, which allows you to have unlimited projects and sheets, or delete some of your content and then unblock your account. (For more information about upgrading, check out this article: How to upgrade to a Pro, Business, or Business Plus account?).
Note: As opposed to your Account being blocked, your individual projects can also be blocked. If you are using an older version of the Fieldwire App, it is possible that some of your projects will become "Blocked", and you will not be able to access those projects. This is due to certain features being updated within the projects, themselves. The only way to unblock these projects at this point is to update your Fieldwire App version: Am I using the most up-to-date mobile operating system and app version for Fieldwire?
Note: Individual projects can also be blocked if the Account/Project Owner is blocked, themselves. This can happen for a couple of reasons. One reason is that they have missed the payment on their monthly premiums. This can also affect yearly subscription users if they have incurred overage charges. Our payment system will automatically attempt to take the payment 4 times over 4 days. If it is unsuccessful, the Account will be blocked, which would prevent Project Users from accessing those projects. To correct this, the Account Owner will need to update their credit card information and upgrade to a premium Account once again. (For information on updating credit card information, check out this article: How do I update Credit Card information, view Invoice receipts, and Export License Info?).
Unblock your account
You can log in to your account on the web, delete the over-the-limit content, and then your account will become unblocked.
Deleting your projects when blocked
As the Project admin, you can log into your account on the web and delete your projects from the main dashboard. Your projects will appear in red with a crossed-out circle but you are still able to delete them:
Step 1: Click on the project tile.
Step 2: Hover your mouse near the star icon.
Step 3: Click the gear icon once it appears.
Step 4: Click "Delete" and then type in the project name to confirm and delete it.
Once you've gone back under the 3 project limit, refresh your screen and Basic Plan should no longer show in red.
Deleting your sheets when blocked
As the Project admin, you can log into your account on the web and delete sheets from your projects. Like mentioned before, your projects will appear in red but you can still click into the project and access your sheets through the Plans tab.
You can quickly batch delete multiple sheets at once:
Step 1: Go to the Plans tab.
Step 2: Hover over the upper left corner of the sheet and check the box.
Step 3: Hold down shift and drag your mouse to select multiple sheets.
Step 4: Click the red Actions button and choose "Delete" from the drop down.
Note: Duplicate sheets will count towards your total plan sheet count. If you get blocked from your project for going over the 100 allotted sheets, but your plans total indicates you have less than 100, please check Version Control to delete duplicates.
Plans Total:
Step 1: Click on the arrow on the lower right hand corner of your plan sheet
Step 2: Once there, you can check for duplicates
Step 3: You can delete the duplicate plan sheets by clicking on Version Control in the upper right hand corner
Once you've deleted your extra sheets, refresh your screen and you should see Basic Plan back in black which indicates you are no longer blocked.
Deleting users when blocked
You can delete users from the People tab as the Project admin:
Step 1:Go to the People tab on the main dashboard.
Step 2: Check the box next to the user's name you would like to remove.
Step 3: Click on the "Actions" button then "Remove".
You can also remove a user by clicking on the three vertical points to the far right of their name and then selecting "Remove":
You can also delete users from individual projects from the People's tab:
Step 1: Click into the individual project and click the People tab.
Step 2: Check the checkbox next to the user's name you wish to remove.
Step 3: Select "Actions" then "Remove."
Like on the Account People Tab, you can also remove a user by clicking on the three vertical points to the far right of their name and then selecting "Remove":
Once you've deleted the users from your account, click on Basic Plan in the upper right and refresh your screen. Basic Plan should now appear in black and you should no longer be blocked.
Enterprise Plans
If you are on an Enterprise plan with a user cap, you may come across this image when trying to add users:
This message will appear if your plan has a user cap and you are trying to add additional users over the set limit. If you need to adjust your user count, please contact your Fieldwire sales rep!