The option to Manage Tags on the web version of Fieldwire allows users to seamlessly add, edit and delete tags used on plans, tasks, photos, and files. The module helps standardize tags across the project.
You can also add tags in-batch, or individually, across your content in Fieldwire. Please reference this article for more information about that: What are tags and how can I edit them?
Access the 'Manage Tags' option
The 'Manage Tags' tool is available to Project Admins under the 'Settings' tab.
Choose to 'Manage tags' under the 'Tags' section to pull up the list of all tags used across the project.
On the 'Manage tags' module, select 'Tag' to sort the tags alphabetically, or select 'Count' to sort the tags by frequency used throughout the project.
The total count is spread across the different entities that share the tag (plans, files, tasks, photos).
For example, if 'Building1' is a tag used on two photos, two files, and two tasks, the total count is six.
You can select the pencil icon to edit the tag name or select the trash icon to delete the tag.
Note: If you delete a tag, it will delete the association with the plans, files, photos, and tasks it was associated with.
Note: Tags cannot be merged. So if you attempt to rename a tag with the name of an existing tag you'll receive an error message. You'll have to update the tags associated with the plans, files, tasks, or photos, and then delete the old tag.
If you select 'New Tag', you'll have the option to add an individual tag.
Just enter the name of the tag, and select 'Create'.
If you select 'Import', you'll have the option to import several tags at once. You can paste the content from an Excel Sheet that you have, and choose to 'Import tags' to add these to your project.
Note: To help promote standardization, import your tags upon project set-up.
More Information
These articles give more information about using Tags in Fieldwire. Tags are one of the key ways to add additional layers of organization to your project.