I'm uploading a set of plans. Most or all of them are new/updated versions of various existing plans I've uploaded to Fieldwire in the past. I'd like to add some kind of note to the entire batch of plans to indicate they're all from the same set of revisions and/or date - how can I do that?
I'm uploading 11 updated plan files: they're each a new version of 11 different plans already in my Fieldwire account, and I want something to indicate that all of these particular plans are from the fourth revision (from my designer, architect, engineer, etc.), whereas the original versions are not. When I click the 'Version control' button in the upper-right of my Plans page, I can edit the description and notes of this upload, but it would also update those fields for the old versions of the plans too, which I don't want:
The Fieldwire system recognizes when you upload a new file with the same 'sheet number', or file name, as a plan that already exists in your Project. When this happens, we automatically transform the new file from its own plan into a new 'Version' of the corresponding existing plan about an hour after you upload the updated version.
This means that all the plans you upload within a given hour will be grouped in the same 'Version'. You can take advantage of this dynamic to add a description that will apply to all the plans in one version group if you upload an extra "dummy plan" (any plan file which you'll delete as soon as you upload it to Fieldwire) with the group. Deleting one plan in a set uploaded at the same time effectively lets our version control system recognize the set up uploads as their own 'Version'. From here, you can edit the Version Description and Notes of all these plans without changing those fields for the original plan files.
How to Fix
1. Upload your new/revised plans, including an extra "dummy plan" file.
In this example, I have uploaded all the civil plans + a dummy plan.
2. Move your plans to a new folder: Select your plans, hit the Action button, click "move to folder", and the following screen should appear:
For this example, I have moved my plans to the civil folder that I had created. You can choose to move your plans to a folder that has been already been created or you can create a new folder.
3. Delete the Dummy Plan that you had uploaded: Select the Dummy Plan, click action, and choose Delete:
4. After you delete the Dummy plan, you will be able to edit the Version Description and Notes for your entire set by clicking the 'Version Control' button in the upper-right of the Plans page. Hover over the plans that have been uploaded below the 'Deleted sheet' entry for your dummy plan, and you will see the options "Collapse", "Edit", and "Delete" appears:
5. Click 'Edit' to modify the 'Version Description and Notes', which will apply to all the plans in your upload set as soon as you click the blue checkmark button to save your changes:
You can repeat steps one to five to upload as many plan reversions that need to be updated in Fieldwire without having to wait an hour for Version Control to version your plans.
For the example here, I uploaded the reversion of the Civil plans and modified the Version Description to Version 2.
Note: To learn more about version control please see the following article: What is Version Control for Plans?
More Information
Here are a few additional articles that are related to Version Control and Plans:
- How do I upload Plans and resolve Version Conflicts?
- Introduction to the Plans tab (Web)
- How to download (export) previous versions of a plan?