If your Fieldwire account owner is leaving the company or is on an extended leave or vacation, it's typically a good idea to designate a different Account Owner. If another user in your company is made the account owner, they will inherit ownership of all of the projects covered under the account.
While there can only be one Account Owner, any number of users present on your account can be Account Managers. There's really no functional difference between the Account Owner and Account Managers - each can create new projects under the account, add and remove users, and update billing information. Any Account Manager can be set as the Account Owner at any time.
How to change the Account Owner and/or Managers:
The following steps are not applicable to invoiced accounts. If your account is invoiced, please reach out to support@fieldwire.com - they will assist with the change.
Step 1:
If you are an Account Owner, log into the web version of Fieldwire (app.fieldwire.com).
Step 2:
Select the "People" tab from the account dashboard.
Step 3:
Locate the appropriate Account Manager, and change their permission level to Account Owner by using the "Account Role" drop-down menu.
Step 4:
Be sure to update the credit card details if necessary! Here's how to do so: