If you have several similar projects that you need to create in Fieldwire, you can save time during the project set up process by either creating a project template or cloning an existing project. Creating a Project Template will allow you to apply the same settings you can designate from a blank template or from a project you've already created, whereas cloning a project will copy over the main project attributes so that all you need to do is upload your project documents. In both cases, the intention is to speed up the project creation process and save valuable time.
Please note that the project cloning process does not include the duplication of data. The intention behind this feature is for the "structure" of a cloned project to be duplicated. If you need to duplicate a project and include some or all of the data, we would recommend cloning the project settings, exporting the data from the existing project, and then importing data as needed into the new project. You can reference the Export Project Data section of this article for more information.
Table of Contents
Project Templates
To begin creating Project Templates, you must be at least on a Business subscription and be an Account Owner or Account Manager.
Once you've verified this information, go to the Templates tab at the account level, and click "+ New template", or "+ New project template". From there, users can choose to start from a blank template, or copy from an existing project.
If you choose to start from a blank template, once you click "Create project template", you'll be taken to a new screen that will greatly resemble a project Settings tab. You'll see options to set such as "Timezone", "Currency", notifications preferences, task attributes, categories, plan folders, and much more!
Once you're ready to use your newly created project template on your next project, click "+ New Project". Then, add the Project Name and Code, if applicable, before clicking "Create project".
If you choose to start from an existing project and copy it to create your project template, you'll be able to choose which project items you'd like to copy to the new template. Going through this flow, it is extremely important to note that when you copy project items, such as Checklists, Form templates, and Task attributes, you must click the checkbox to acknowledge that doing so may may result in duplicates. All form templates, checklists, and lists used on this project you're copying from will automatically be published to the account. You can avoid this by unchecking "Checklists," "Form templates," and "Task attributes" when copying a project to a project template. Once you've selected or de-selected the project items you'd like to copy, click "Create template".
Cloning Projects
To clone a project, select '+New Project' on the project dashboard then select the project that you'd like to clone. You can also select exactly which attributes (Categories, Custom Task Statuses (If on Pro/Business), People, Checklists, Reports, Locations, Tags, Form Templates (if on Business or Premier level), Folders, and Settings) you'd like to copy into the new project:
Note: You will need to be a Project Admin or Member on the project you'd like to clone in order for it to appear on the contingent drop-down list. You will not be able to clone any projects that you are a Follower on.
Note: Cloning a project does not link the new project to the original project; what happens in one project will not be reflected in the other project.
Copying tasks
Tasks cannot be cloned from one project to another using the clone project feature.
Tip: To learn how to copy tasks from one project to another using the CSV report and the task importer, check out this article: Q&A: How do I copy my tasks to another project?
Export Project Data
If you need to export information out of your projects (or import data into new projects), please reference the following guides:
- Introduction to the Task Importer
- How to Export (and Print) Plans as PDFs and View Markups
- Q&A: How can I export my Project content from Fieldwire?
How to Download (Export) Previous Versions of a Plan