Fieldwire offers a "Forms" module for the Business and Business Plus tiers. Within this module, we do offer the option to create your own Custom forms on the account and add the five default form templates. You can also push any custom forms from your project to your account to distribute these across your projects. Similarly, you can push any forms from your account to your projects - take a look at this article on account form templates for more information.
Due to recent, deliberate changes, the five default form templates mentioned above no longer automatically appear in each new project. If you are creating a new Business Account with Fieldwire, you'll see these default form templates automatically in the "Templates" tab on your project dashboard. If you've already created a Fieldwire Business Account, none of your existing projects will be affected. Rather, you'll only see these changes on newly created projects.
In addition, you can add any of the five default form templates at any time regardless of whether or not they are in your Account Form Templates by following this workflow:
- Click the blue "+New form" button
- Hover over "+New template"
- Click "Create new"
- Select one of the five default form templates under the "Start with..." dropdown
- (Optional) Update the name of the template
- (Optional) Toggle whether or not you want it to be a "Dated template"
- Click "Create"
If you want to have previously created custom form templates in your projects, you'll either need to clone an existing project or import those custom form templates from the Account.
Daily Reports are designed to document your daily work activity in a convenient and straightforward manner. Through Fieldwire, you can fill out a daily report very quickly and conveniently on mobile or on the web. Within the template, you can:
- Populate information about conditions on-site, equipment or materials used, and any work that was undertaken.
- Attach a photo or a relevant file.
- Sign the daily report, assign the form to the relevant person, then change the status to "Submitted".
Daily Report form
Note: In the morning, the weather is a prediction. After 24 hours, it updated to the actual weather.
Completing a Daily Report form
Form attributes
- Daily Report Number (#) - Fieldwire automatically generates a form number that cannot be edited.
- Description - A freeform section that allows you to customize the daily report title. For example, if you would like to label your daily reports by date and crew, you could enter the date and crew (e.g. "6/15 Concrete Crew") as the description.
- Assignee - The person responsible for filling out the daily report at a given time. You have the option to re-assign a daily report to someone you may need input from. The assignee receives a notification when the report has been submitted.
- Status - When creating a daily report, the status defaults to "Draft". Once complete, the daily report can be submitted by selecting "Submitted" from the drop-down menu.
- Date - Fieldwire automatically adopts the date that the form was created, however, this can be edited.
- Due Date - The form creator can add a 'Due Date' to indicate the expected day the form will need to be completed by. Any assignee and the admin can update the date after the form has been created.
Note: Email and in-app notifications are sent to the Form Assignee 48 hours prior to the due date. If the Form Due Date is changed, then the notification resets and will be sent 48 hours prior to the new Due Date. If the assignee changes then a new email is sent.
General Info
- Weather and Temperature - Automatically populates if your device is connected to WiFi and if you have an address on file under the 'Settings' tab for the project. You can also specify imperial or metric units in the "Settings" tab on your project. A form’s weather data is set based on the timestamp of the “Date” of the form (when the user first makes the form this is set to the created date, but it can be changed). If they are creating it in the morning, the weather data shown on that form is a prediction, and we update the form with the actual weather after about 24 hours.
- If the location you are working at does not yet have a physical address recognized by Google, you can use GPS coordinates to help populate the weather -
* Precipitation amounts displayed are cumulative. For example, any rainfall between 12am - 6am will be listed in the "6am" slot. Similarly, rainfall that occurs from 6am - 12pm is listed at 12pm, and rainfall that happens between 12pm - 4pm is shown at 4pm.
Fieldwire leverages the VisualCrossing API to determine the weather data on a form.
- Schedule Delays/ Weather Impact / Accidents On-Site/ Injuries - Optional sections with a checkbox and freeform space to write down relevant notes. The checkbox contains options to mark the item as 'yes', 'no', or 'n/a'. For example, if the concrete truck is two hours late, check the "schedule delays" box and make a note of the delay.
- General notes - Use this space to give a general overview of what was accomplished that day.
In this section, add a line item by selecting "+ Add Entry".
- Work log - In this section, you can record who was working that day, how long they were working, and add additional notes. By selecting "+ Add Entry" you can break down the work by the individual (Foreman, Laborer, Superintendent, etc) or by the trade.
- Equipment log - In this section, you can record the equipment used that day, how long it was there, and add any additional notes. For example, a tower crane was used for 2.5 hours; delivered at 9:30 am; Removed at 12:00 pm; and it was 1.5 hours late.
- Material delivery - In this section, you can record what material was delivered that day, the quantity, the unit, and any special notes.
- Activity log - In this section, you can record the activity worked on that day, the percent completed, and other notes related to the activities. For example, L1 slab concrete pour is 80% complete, with a note that this will be completed tomorrow
- Photo / File - Here you can upload a photo or file related to the day.
- 360 Photo - On the Business Plan, you have the option to upload any 360º photos to Fieldwire.
- Existing Photo - The "Existing photo" option allows you to attach any photos stored under the “Photos” tab to your Form.
- Existing file - This option allows you to link a file that has been uploaded into your project.
- Crop plan - Here include a cropped section of the plan to highlight the exact location in question. For example, if most of the work was done in the bathroom on the first floor, you could crop that section of the plan.
Note: Admins can use the calculation function to determine the total captured under the logs. To learn more, please click here.
Note: If you choose to attach an "Existing photo", that photo will be shown again in the "Photos" tab since it is now associated with the Form.
Note: If you choose to attach a new file to the form, a copy of this file will appear in the Files Tab.
Note: You can upload files up to 200MB and photos up to 50MB.
All daily reports must be signed before they are submitted. For traceability, Fieldwire automatically displays the time and day of when the form was signed.
The signature section prompts users to provide an electronic signature on the Web or a free-hand signature on mobile. Fieldwire will automatically include the timestamp of when the form was signed to help ensure accountability.
On the Web, you, or someone who does not have a Fieldwire Account, can add sign your form:
The name of the user that is logged in will populate as the first signature option. | Choose 'Sign as someone else' to have a user who does not have a Fieldwire account sign the form. |
The signature of any user signing as themselves will be accompanied by a date, time, device-stamp as well as the signatory's Company and Job title to show when exactly the form was signed and which individual signed it. The user who is logged into Fieldwire on the device where the Form was accessed will be listed as the device owner:
'Sign as Ben Schantz' |
'Sign as someone else' |
On the iOS and Android Versions of Fieldwire, you can also have another user sign the form:
The name of the user that is logged in will populate as the first signature option. | Choose 'Someone else' to have a user who does not have a Fieldwire account sign the form. |
After you determined who will sign the form, you'll be prompted to add a freehand signature to the Form if you are signing. If someone else is signing the Form, they'll be prompted to type their name before they add their freehand signature.
As with signing on the Web, any signature will be accompanied by a date, time, and device-stamp to show when exactly the form was signed and which individual signed it.
Note: The signatory's Company and Job title are not yet shown if the Form is signed on mobile.
The user who is logged into Fieldwire on the device where the Form was accessed will be listed as the device owner:
Sign form as 'Andrew White' |
Sign form as 'Someone Else' |
Multiple Signatures
In each Signature section of a Form, users can now decide the minimum number of signatures required in one section as well as the maximum number of signatures allowed in one section. This prevents users from having to add multiple Signature sections into one Form.
In order to do so, users will need to unpublish the Form Template they wish to edit and click on the pencil icon as shown in the screenshot below.
After clicking the pencil icon, users will be able to choose the "Min number of signatures" and the "Max number of signatures".
Note: If you do not want the Signature section to be Required, you must set the "Min number of signatures" to "0".
Although mobile users can't edit the number of Min or Max Signatures needed on a Form, they can see/add multiple signatures under one Signature section as determined by the "Min number of signatures" and the "Max number of signatures" on the Form Template.
Submitting Forms
Once the mandatory fields are entered and the timesheet is signed, submit the form by selecting the option to "Update status and close", then change the "Status" to "Submitted":
After the form has been submitted, it cannot be edited unless a Project Admin changes the status back to "Draft".
The form creator, assignee, and last editor will receive a notification when the form has been submitted. If you would like to send the completed timesheet as a PDF, you can download the form on the web. If you need more information on submitting forms take a look at this article.
1-Way Sync
Daily Report forms can be backed up to cloud storage providers (Box, Dropbox, OneDrive) via a 1-way sync connection. When one of these integrations is active, Forms that have been updated to a non-editable status (i.e. "Submitted") will be copied to Box/Dropbox/OneDrive and stored in their corresponding subfolders. The subfolder name will match the name of the Form Template that was used to generate the Form (in this case, "Daily Report").
More information
- Refer to this article for information about notifications
- If you’re experiencing error messages due to unsynced or missing information, refer to this article
- If you're interested in learning about Fieldwire's other Form options, refer to this article